Wednesday Jul 24, 2024

Benefits of RADP

To ensure agricultural development in rainfed areas, this Department launched a new plan called the Rainfed Area Development Program (RADP) in 2011-12 as a sub-plot under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY). It aims to elevate ranchers’ personal satisfaction, particularly small and peripheral ranchers, by providing a comprehensive package of exercises designed to increase ranch returns.

RADP is organized around the Coordinated Farming System (IFS) mendix vs powerapps vs outsystems vs Wavemaker Low code alternatives, with the goal of increasing efficiency and mitigating risks associated with climatic fluctuations. RADP was guided in ten states between 2011 and 2012 at a cost of Rs. 250 crore. The plan’s broad objectives are as follows: a) Improving rural efficiency in rainfed regions economically through the adoption of proper cultivating framework-based methodologies.

Program for the Development of Rainfed Areas (RADP)

  1. b) To mitigate the adverse effect of potential harvest failure due to drought, flooding, or uneven precipitation conveyance via an enhanced and composite cultivating framework.
  2. c) Rebuilding trust in rainfed horticulture by making supported work more valuable by enhancing ranch advancements and development practises.
  3. d) Increased compensation and work support for ranchers in order to alleviate poverty in rainfed regions
  4. e) Convergence of significant formative projects in the project region for optimal asset utilisation through the establishment of an integrated and composed framework comprising diverse areas and establishments.

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This project’s goal was to increase the income and efficiency of provincial smallholder ranchers in Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan, and Zabul provinces by implementing a range of interventions. Through the RADP-South programme, market-driven agrarian development was advanced, food security and nutrition were strengthened, and women’s investment in critical rural value chains was increased.

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s government worked with it to further develop cooperation between general society and the private sector and to advocate for policy changes that would allow rural development to take place.

A series of mediations focused on the value chains of wheat, high-value harvests, and domesticated animals, ranging from information providers and manufacturers to exporters and processors, with the goal of increasing the benefits and seriousness of the situation. Through the implementation of this strategy, horticultural value chains were strengthened, allowing ranchers to expand production, collaborate with agribusinesses, and market their products more effectively. Throughout the programme, including management and promotion outside the home, women were actively involved in all aspects of the operation.


Prepared over 93,000 smallholders in superior production, business, marketing, and postharvest handling, enabling them to expand production and normal asset management on more than 13,428 hectares.

Over 110 agribusinesses were assisted in expanding their business potential, and over USD $88 million in ware deals, including trades, were maintained.

95 Veterinary Field Units (VFUs) SDLC rapid application development process, have been operationalized, expanding essential veterinary administrations across the objective areas and bolstering the domesticated animals’ value chain.

Through the provision of critical specialised assistance to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, we advanced the course of events and implementation of the National Irrigation Policy, National Poultry Policy, Plant Variety Protection Law, and National Livestock Development Strategy/Plan.

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